February Music and Big Moves
L tells me it’s been a musical month. F has been composing songs on his harmonica after piano practice (his Dad is teaching him the harmonica). I’ve fallen into a K-pop BTS black hole mesmerized by talent without knowing a single word of Korean. Apparently W sings to the dog when he’s home sick for a week. Jer got new headphones meant for sports or working out, and is now addicted to them. And L has survived another concert performance with grace and elegance I admire.
Here are some random moments I captured:

Here are some events of note this month:
My sister and her husband made the leap move to Utah this month! As they settle in, we invited them to meals and game nights. Lily and I sang a duet in church (a medley of “I Know that My Redeemer Lives” and “I Feel My Savior’s Love”), and my sister was able to come see us for that. The kids adore their time together, and I’m really enjoying my sister in my daily life.

We’ve really enjoyed playing Oregon Trail with guests. When my sister played with us, none of the girls made it to the end of the game, so here’s our epitaphs:
“Remember ma’s #1 rule No More Pets (including snakes)” (I died from a rattle snake bite)
“Here lies Adelynn who drank more than humanly possible” (She rolled a 1 while fording the river and drowned)
“In memory of Cobra Lily who didn’t die from a snake” (It was dysentery)

F became an official wearer of glasses! They are still an exciting novelty for him, and he wants to show all his friends and wear them a lot even though the doctor said he only needs them sometimes.

W was a vendor at his school’s 2nd grade store, selling Pet Rocks that his Dad helped him paint over the course of 3 days. He was very generous with his pricing, saying that he wanted all his classmates to be able to have one that wanted one, and was very aware that many didn’t have much. He sold almost every single one!

F and I had a mother-son outing bowling (his first time) and I attempted to teach him though I was a fumbling fool. We had a great time by the 2nd game! N’Sync was playing on the way home.

L had a midwinter concert where she played 4 songs with her school orchestra. Across the Wind. Telemonn Symphonia. Crusader. Pieces of Eight from Pirates of the Caribbean.

We did a Karaoke / Line Dance activity for Galentines and it was so fun! I loved having Lily there and seeing friends cut a rug.
It was a big month of church things! Jer locked up the church building every night, and on Saturdays we helped clean the building. Jer tells me our family is being blessed from our callings and all the things we’re doing.

Love, Kat