
  • Adventures,  Kids

    Idaho Family Reunion

    One of the biggest reasons I wanted to marry Jeremy is his family, especially when I met his grandparents. I actually attended one of their family reunions while we were still dating, and…

  • Adventures

    West Yellowstone

    We spent one day at Yellowstone National Park! We ended up doing 3 of the 8 stops that Jer and his brother planned out, all iconic: I took many photos because not only…

  • Adventures

    Idaho Summer Vacation – Part 1

    We met up with Jeremy’s brother Michael and his family at an amazing cabin to hang out, play games, share stories and laughs, eat delicious food, and enjoy being with our loved ones…

  • Adventures

    Heat Wave

    We are melting out here! Excessive Heat Warnings have been in place several times over the summer, with record high temperatures. End of Days, my friends. The grass that Jer has babied all…

  • Adventures

    Independence Day

    The tradition of hiking with the Dunn’s to Slate Canyon lives on! We saw the most hot air balloons we’ve ever seen launch (kind of hard to see in the photos), probably from…

  • Adventures

    June Snapshots

    The kids are having such a great summer! I’ve been really enjoying our family time even though I’ve been sick for a majority of the month. Here are some special moments I’d like…

  • Adventures

    April Moments

    Soccer The kids have been loving soccer! Lils will have the same teammates until 9th grade, and that stability has been awesome for building up their team and she has one of her…

  • Adventures,  Projects

    Sewing Retreat

    Completing a quilt has been a dream of mine, and I can’t believe I did it!!! I was thinking I’d match my newbie level and start out with a simple design, but I’m…