
L – 12 years old.

  • Loves: fantasy books, singing, crafts, fluffy PJs.
  • Blesses our home with: watercolor, viola, fantastic banana bread.
  • Wants to be: Artist, Orchestra Member, or Writer/Editor.
  • She’s the Best: Ravenclaw & Babysitter!

F – 8 years old.

  • Loves: biking, video games, sharing dance moves or piano songs, designing board/card games, playing with friends.
  • Blesses our home with: his thoughts, song in his heart, and imaginings.
  • Wants to be: Fisherman, Board game maker.
  • He’s the Best: reigning Mario Kart Champ!

W – 6 years old.

  • Loves: mischievous movies, Minecraft, Sea Monsters, hats, and being “twins” with brother.
  • Blesses our home with: his sense of humor & affection.
  • Wants to be: Builder/Engineer, Pumpkin farmer “with a pumpkin patch”.
  • He’s the Best: Cuddle Buddy & Problem solver!


  • Loves: riding his Brompton bike, weekends, hiking camping outdoors.
  • Blesses our home with: Fun, service, making everything special.
  • Wants to: Volunteer, Tobasco on everything.
  • He’s the Best: Jokester & Doer


  • Loves: running (first Half Marathon!), hiking, vacation, organization, laughing.
  • Blesses our home with: a family that’s alive, clothed, fed, bathed, loved!
  • Wants to be: Adventuring in new places, Reading.
  • She’s the Best: Shutterbug

Roxy – 32 dog years.

  • Loves: walks, treats, belly rubs.
  • Blesses our home with: cuteness, cuddles, bonding.
  • Wants to be: with you; licking everything.
  • She’s the Best: Friend & Lap Warmer