
Walker is 11 Months

I’m actually a few days late on this update, but this baby boy has been keeping me busy! He’s developed quite an attachment to me and has separation anxiety anytime I’m out of sight, not holding him even if I am in sight, or not comforting him at the breast if I am holding him… It’s complicated. Basically my productivity has plummeted this month and I totally blame this cutie.

This little boy has four teeth now! With the teeth have come both an appetite for all kinds of food, and words. Apparently we should have named him Talker instead of Walker haha! He has been saying “bye bye” and “night night” as regularly as he says “mama” and “dada” in perfect context.

He is so smart and has been using his brain powers to get to what he wants. Cabinets, drawers, shelves, cupboards, and especially wires are no match for him… Not sure why, but he has it out for my plants.

We’ve taken him to several parks and out to Temple Square. This month while we’re on walks, he moved from his car seat to the actual stroller! I think his favorite new spot is the couch where he can daydream out the window and have easy access to previously mentioned plants.

This month he discovered a few things for the first time. At the park he had his first time on the swings! He discovered the joys of balloons.

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