
I Needed A Budget

Time to get real here. My computer was major old, and so was the financial software I was using! This year is all about SIMPLIFYING, so I ended up switching over to this budgeting app! Super easy to check it from my phone or computer, updates directly from my bank or accounts, and I can add expenses as I am out making them! Some of my smart friends have been telling me about it for years, but I didn’t want to pay for something when I already had accounting software. What pushed me to try it was finding out my Dad is on the YNAB bus, and being able to ask him a bunch of questions. My trial just ended and this thing has paid for itself many times over. Our net worth grew by 9% (what???!) between February and March (the trial period), making us just over $8,500 keeping our eye on the prize because of this app. I believe in results, and YNAB delivered.

It really helped that our tax return, wrestling pay from the year, and a few other big paychecks happened all at the same time (I got a job), but we didn’t just blow the money. We were able to make it go towards our goals that we planned for using this app! I wasn’t stressed about having enough at the end of the month to pay the credit card bill, and now it’s paid off! I didn’t have to think about forgetting a bill, or something coming up that doesn’t normally get paid every month like the car registration (two months in a row). Any extra money was poured into our goals and our budget adjusted with our needs throughout the month. Jer is able to see exactly what I see from our many accounts so he is on board and knows the budget, too!

I consciously made decisions to go home and eat or make meals instead of dining out because every day I think about our someday-house. We’re already 51% to our House Down Payment goal for the end of this year! If we keep up this momentum, we might be able to get ahead finally! YNAB has been a personal finance game-changer for us. The yearly subscription is worth every penny (and I even paid for it as a business expense!). Don’t wait like I did… If you are my family member or friend, use my link. Try it out for 34 days and if you end up subscribing, we both get another month free! *High five for Win-Wins!*

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