Independence Day
The tradition of hiking with the Dunn’s to Slate Canyon lives on! We saw the most hot air balloons we’ve ever seen launch (kind of hard to see in the photos), probably from the perfect weather. Our hike was in shadow the entire morning. Skipped the breakfast sandwiches this year since they’ve become quite expensive.

The kids played pickleball and then we joined them for a picnic in the park until the sun went down. Jer has now added Dutch Oven to his wish list. He made pork ribs over charcoal in a Dutch oven and was so happy that it worked and cooked nicely without lighter fluid. The kids had a party over the chip table. We played yard games, the kids cooled off in the creek and played water games, we ate and talked for hours, and L even got to sneak in some reading while warming up from her swim.
We saw old friends and I got to meet all the new babies from the last 2 years! Jessie now has 6 kids and the youngest just turned one, I love seeing how much she loves being a mother. I got to hold her baby and put him to sleep while she played a game, which was so nice because it’s been a while haha. Tori’s sister brought her 2yo all the way from Japan and we got to ask her all about what it’s like living there, commuting by train for an hour to church and walking 5 minutes to the pediatrician, going out for karaoke for fun, trying to teach her child the language while also learning it herself, and living in a “mansion” the size of her sister’s living room. How did I not get any pics of Sarah! Jer and I played a yard game and were so bad at it but it got me up and digesting.

Since we can’t do fireworks in our neighborhood and I can’t stay up too long during my recovery, Jer bought sparklers for the kids and it was a small thrill for them (especially W!). Jer said it was a good day- he doesn’t often compliment the day! We enjoyed the fresh air and getting up early, we escaped the heat in the mountains, played with friends and tried some delicious food, Jer’s new cooking method worked so he felt victorious, and we went to bed exhausted but with enough energy to shower and not be sickly overtired. Yes, it was definitely a good day. How grateful we are for America and these wonderful people!

One Comment
Feels Like we were there 2 days ago! Glad you are keep the traddtions alive and the family and friends are well! Thank you for sharing love you sis! They grow up so fast!