
Salt Lake City Winter Getaway

We ate German food for lunch (Wienerschnitzel, extra bratwurst, fried potatoes, and cold potato salad), window shopped at the mall to kill time before our checkin to the Inn, and had Ethiopian / Oromian for dinner. Our room was so comfy we relaxed by the giant fire in robes, snacked a bunch on fresh cookies and popcorn chips, watched “A Few Good Men”… spent 2 hours in the jetted tub with bath salts giving each other massages trying not to fall asleep in the water this morning after a gourmet breakfast. I had apple French toast with vanilla and eggs with bacon and fresh orange juice. Jer had an herb omelette with balsamic potatoes made with shallots, thyme, parsley, and rosemary.

My favorite parts of the trip were coming to a cozy giant bed and reading by a warm fire. I finished reading Starter Villain and laughing to myself the entire time. I ate so many meals, all very delicious and new to me, and may actually be hooked on chocolate chip cookies baked with enough butter that it’s the only thing I recognized in the first bite. I even had a nightcap of chamomile tea with honey. I simultaneously swam in and was too big for all the clothing I tried on in stores made for tall people. Perhaps Jer and I have outgrown malls, as the most time we spent at City Creek was checking out the hardcover volumes of the Saints series at Deseret Book.

This trip was just the rest and rejuvenation we needed!

Love, Kat