Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle DIY Costume
This boy has such imagination, and uses drawing to share some of what’s in his mind with me. Check out F’s figure below that were instructions for his costume! At the top, orange nunchucks; then a customized candy bag; and finally, the front view of the orange mask, plus the back view of his turtle shell backpack.

Here is the end result! We did end up adding a few things like bands for his arms, legs, and waist. He has been so excited to play in it at every stage of me trying to fit things on him and finish all the pieces. We tried to use what we already had, including his already existing favorite green hoodie sweater and pants that happen to match!

Turtle Power! Costume in Action

Thank you to Aunt Julie for sharing her orange and black fabric that made this costume special and saved me a trip to the store! The shell is 2 ovals, the top one slightly bigger than the bottom one and with darker brown shell pieces stitched to it- and the ovals stuffed with fluff! I stuffed the muscly turtle belly to give it definition. The nunchucks are tubes with black faux leather circles hand-stitched. One end on each circle also includes a small strip so the “chain link” can attach. Special thanks to L, who made the chain link connectors from her rubber band bracelet making kit! She was very pleased to contribute to her brother’s joy in this costume.