The Library Is My Therapy

Isn’t this display of Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood so happy?? I didn’t grow up watching Mr. Rogers, but when I became a Mom and discovered the Daniel Tiger stories for my boys, I sure loved the messages and stories from Mr. Rogers’s life. This has been a calming and positive place for me to sit and just be at our local library. I love the peace and quiet I can enjoy. I like the adventure I feel browsing all the new and old things at my own pace, surrounded by beloved books and characters.
Our kids might have inherited a love of reading from Jer and I. We took a special trip just to visit the new Spanish Fork Library, and everyone had a blast! The only downside was we are not residents, so we didn’t walk out with any books to take home!

Support your local library and I promise you’ll have the best time reading alone and with your loved ones!
Here’s to the literary world, where we are limited only by our imaginations.

Love, Kat