Walker is 8 Months
Where has the time gone? At the beginning of the month he was ninja crawling. We would put him on the floor and watch him do nothing, but as soon as we looked away he was clear across the room! But no one ever saw him do it. Ninja. Now this chubster is full on crawling! He puts his bum in the air and revs his imaginary engine before scooting on his knees like a chubby little inchworm. I love it!

He is still exploring everything by putting it in his mouth, and now that he can get where he wants to go I always find him grabbing wires or cords and trying to taste them, which can be dangerous so I’m constantly picking him up and moving him and trying to hide away the wires. Lately it’s been the TV power cords, but wherever I move him he’s back at the wall trying to eat it again. He even grabs whatever is near him when we’re doing chores together. What a silly baby!
I ran out of size 3 diapers and ended up putting him in his older brother’s diapers temporarily, but turns out they fit him better! He’s a size 4 now and thankfully I’m not cleaning blowouts on his outfits everyday anymore. We’re estimating he’s maybe 17-18 pounds, but no confirmation on that.

He got his first illness I think, a cold accompanied by a rash which ended up being a flare up of eczema. I’ve been struggling to keep my milk supply up for him, as he became less interested in solids after he got sick. He absolutely refused and spit out all of his green beans! He’d often cry out of frustration at 2am when the milk was gone and just use me as a pacifier.

Although baby still enjoys bouncing in his jumparoo, he’s expanded to all the toys in the front room, especially those he can easily massage his gums with or suck on. Lately that’s been some little chain links! He also loves the little light up toys he can push over and the toy car controls he got for Christmas.