Bowling Mother-Daughter Date
This girl had a very special day today for our December Mother-Daughter date, which I pulled her out of school for the first time for. I think that made our time together even more exciting since she works so hard in all her studies. With Jer gone for wrestling season there wasn’t “just us” time except for while the boys are in school.
Though we’ve bowled separately before, this was L and I’s first time bowling together. We showed up right when they opened, so we were the only ones bowling and they let us choose the music! L went for a “Feel Good” playlist over listening to Christmas songs. We chose our bowling balls and turns out she really liked the ones I picked haha. In programming our game, we typed in a silly name for each other. I gave her “Lilzzzzz” and she gave me “Kitty”, which is the kind of joking mood we had our entire day.

I almost got a turkey! 🦃 2 strikes in a row and then I choked it. L was the Queen of gutter balls 😂. I was a close second Princess of gutter balls. Practice must help because by the end we were at least knocking down pins more regularly.

Taking her out to lunch afterwards is also something she looks forward to. All of our activities today involved coupons and gift cards, so it was great on the budget. We had a blast! After Chick-fil-A, we went to our glasses appointment and barely made it home blinded from the stinging drops they give you at the eye test haha. She’s looking forward to choosing a new pair of glasses next month. L has always loved to laugh since she was a baby, it was a joyful uncontrollable little blast of a giggle that came deep from her belly. She’s learned how to hide it away sometimes getting into her preteen years, but when she’s able to laugh without holding back and I get a glimpse of my “little” girl again growing up it feels like I’m seeing who she truly is. And I love that! I hope we can laugh together again soon.
Love, Kat