West Yellowstone
We spent one day at Yellowstone National Park! We ended up doing 3 of the 8 stops that Jer and his brother planned out, all iconic:
- Midway Geyser Basin – Grand Prismatic Spring
Biscuit Sand BasinBlack Sand Basin- Upper Geyser Basin – Old Faithful
Fountain Paint PotsNorris Geyser Basin- Yellowstone Falls
Mammoth Hot Springs
I took many photos because not only is this place breathtaking and I will want to revisit its beauty in pictures, but it’s also so difficult to put into words the scale and almost otherworldly quality experienced in a land of Geysers.

The sights here were a feast for my nature loving family. We were this close to wild life and even saw a herd of elk crossing a river! We got to see geysers surrounded by forest as well as desert. The car ride was so fun playing 20 questions, hearing Jeremy’s many stories of misadventures with he and his brother, listening to music, snacking on huckleberry popcorn and turkey sticks, laughing our heads off (usually to something F said), and enjoying the many gorgeous views. Sun kissed waterfalls. The greenest land I’ve ever beheld. Rocky hikes overlooking rainbow colored springs. Rain and shine. This place truly brings feelings of serenity and awe.
On the way from our last stop, we switched cars so that all the boys could enjoy the ride together and all the girls could as well. The girls discussed books, psychology, and caught up a little on our lives. The boys said they had a more fun time than us haha!
This has been such an amazing trip, I’m so thankful! What a beautiful Earth we live in. What a wonderful place to be with family. If there’s a place still wild and expansive full of natural wonder, Yellowstone is it!
This was one of our stops on our Idaho Summer Vacation. See our adventures earlier at Island Park here, Rexburg here, and our Family Reunion here.
Love, Kat