Walker’s Favorite Things 7th Birthday
We have had 7 beautiful years with our silly sweet boy!
Favorite game: Minecraft
Favorite song: Take on Me by Aha
Favorite thing to do: Anything with Dad- playing video games, cuddling, biking, reading, building stuff
When I grow up: Engineer
He chose all the details for food and festivities of the day, and was super excited about opening presents. Jer made W’s favorite breakfast English muffin breakfast sandwiches. Then everyone went on a 9 mile bike ride in Spanish Fork, except for me. I ran 7 miles and it was HOT; I was dying of dehydration on the way back!
Birthday boy requested a Minecraft cake with less than 24hrs notice, so I aimed to make the easiest one possible: boxed chocolate cake mix, canned frosting with splashes of food coloring gel, and dark chocolate pieces for decoration.
He asked for “green spaghetti” for his birthday dinner, so I made a pesto pasta with chicken. He got to play his new video game and watch a late night movie with the lava lamp light on to end his day.

This guy is growing so much, and into his own little style that seems very old soul like his Dad. He asked very particularly for a lava lamp that could be red and yellow like an actual volcano. He wanted a wooden wrist watch with an analog face that could tell time; if we had found one that would fit his arm we totally would have got it for him. He sleeps with his octopus stuffy’s tentacles all over his face and just loves the feeling of being held. I love this baby boy with all my heart! Happy Birthday, Walker.
Love, Mom