April Moments


The kids have been loving soccer!
Lils will have the same teammates until 9th grade, and that stability has been awesome for building up their team and she has one of her good friends on there! Her coach has consistent practice and they’ve had games that are so fun to watch and cheer for! I have loved hanging out with my friends (who are the Moms of L’s teammates).
I’m not sure when the switch happened, but now W is all in! He runs from one end of the field to the other and always gives his best. Instead of looking for every opportunity to come out of the game, he is excited to be put into the game and to play any position. The boys were lucky and got many of their friends on their team this season.
Zoo Field Trip

W and I went to the zoo on a school field trip! We rode the bus and everything, and I chaperoned a group of 5 boys, many of whom I already knew and taught in Primary at church back when they were 4 or 5 years old. I had fun being with all of them! It has been a lifelong dream of mine to be able to do this with at least one of my kids, and I’m so grateful I got to see him with his peers, get to know his friends, and enjoy a new experience together. He was so well behaved and I loved holding his hand! It took longer to get there than planned, so we ended up only having about 1.5 hours to see the animals and check out everything before needing to head back to the bus. The polar bear was most active.
Scarlet’s Baby Blessing