Winter Break: Christmas Vacation
We had a lovely Christmas at home! Then it was: Play, read, eat, repeat. There was lots of Star Wars from watching the movies together (we borrowed every one we don’t own from the library), building W’s new Lego sets, and Jeremy assembling and painting little figurines for hours so they could play Legions. There were less dog walks after scraped knees (L) and illnesses (Jer and Kat). There was nonstop crafting of friendship bracelets, and shameless dancing.
The cold ushered in comforting curry (Dad’s recipe) and soups. We had some occasions to eat out, all Mexican food it seems, haha! The snacking abounded! W did a great job as our official treat picker, selecting which special sweet we would try that day from the large gift basket the Petersons sent us. One of my favorite shenanigans was Jer and I sneaking air-fried Taquitos with a dollop of guacamole, and a whole box of mint Oreos, into our room to watch terrible and obscure RomComs until way past our bedtimes.

Our family had lots of puzzles, read alouds, and visits to the library for the aforementioned. Jer is reading Saints to us (about the Pioneers and restoration of the gospel) since we are studying Doctrine & Covenants this year. I am reading my special edition of Tress of the Emerald Sea to the kids, and they are intrigued. The kids spent many myrthful hours playing the video game My Little Universe together on the Switch (squealing with delight and cheers). We played as a family with F’s new card game Quixx, determining it must favor luck rather than calculation as there was many an upset. Jer spent one-on-one time with the kids to the point that he wore himself out. He insisted that the kids’ Christmas vacation must be special, too, and so he neglected rest to fulfill his promises to them. At our New York New Year (which at our time is 10pm) we could clink our cups in celebration and also go to bed before midnight.
I am getting spoiled with all this family time at home this year!
Love, Kat