Family Photos 2018
This is the first year we’ve done a family photo swap with our dear friends. My husband helped greatly by bathing the kids, picking out his own clothing, calming my stress about wanting to do a good job taking our friends’ photos… I had no idea how to use her camera, and have resolved to work on my skills to be more prepared next year.
I photographed their session first, so by the time it was our turn my husband and kiddos were ready for dinner and bedtime. It’s fortunate Victoria got any photos of them smiling. She did a great job with our wiggly bunch, check it out!

My darling girl. She loves that necklace and told me it’s her favorite because it’s “real diamonds”.

What a goober! We love his goofy grin and giant eyes. I love that Victoria was able to capture his two little bottom teeth that I’ll always want to remember from this year. The baby was actually way better being photographed than my toddler!

This kid had found a bush full of orange berries, and had a bunch smeared on his lips and gathered in his hands before taking this photo. He’s adventurous and full of energy!

I love my little family.
Let’s talk about these electric colors for a second- I love the contrast and brightness and energy! I’m normally an “all white” kind of person, so I’m glad I decided to branch out a bit this year. I’ve been wanting to use this adorable emerald green pleated dress in our family photos since last year! The top portion is even more “wow” than the bottom half, but I had to tame it down with a sweater and warm it up because it had no sleeves! I like coordinating colors rather than matching too closely, so the dark hues seemed to work pretty well with the occasional splashes of bright green. My son didn’t end up wearing anything I picked for him because he had just woken up from a nap and refused to change from whatever he was already wearing haha. If I had more time, I would have made matching bow ties and used the more formal looking sweaters I already picked out for my boys.