End of School Year 2023
It’s a wonderful time to be a parent. The last weeks of school get hectic with end of year testing, graduation, performances, School Days, and grading. Jeremy says this is the best time of his life being with our kids who are doing so much.
Soccer Playoffs

L’s soccer team “Axolotls” got to the playoffs in her league, and they worked their hardest against a tough team and almost won!! 1 point down. She did great on defense in all kinds of weather! For this last game Jer told me she chest trapped the ball, and I also heard she stole the ball from the other team’s star player! Great job, L!!! Also special because the championship was the only game Jer was able to watch all season since he had been coaching Walker’s team.
Our Last Kindergarten Graduation
W had a lovely program with singing and speaking that showcased their adventures in Kindergarten. W’s part was, “D is for Discovery!” I will miss him coming home early and sitting in my lap to read with me. We celebrated afterwards with a trip to McDonald’s (his favorite place to eat), but they didn’t have a playground and he was really looking forward to that. We drove to a park nearby and set up a picnic with our food, and he sat in my lap and pointed out all the birds hiding before running off to play for over an hour at the playground.
I realized this was my last volunteer opportunity to be with W in his classroom. We played games outside for his field day, and I did a water version of Duck Duck Goose called Drip Drip Drop that some of the kids loved for getting wet, and others were not so happy to be soaked. He told his Dad, “Mom played games with me!” as his highlight for the day.
First Grade Performance

F also had a performance with songs that they worked hard on. At the end was a slideshow of their different classroom activities and field trips. I enjoyed seeing him “in the wild” amongst his friends and doing so well as his dance moves. That kid’s a natural and has great rhythm. My favorite number was a song called “Bubble Gum” that steadily increased in timing to hilarious results!
End of School Year Days

This entire month was full of Special Days with dress ups and other themes. Kindergarten did alphabet backwards, so Z Day thru A Day. I’m very pleased that the kids still enjoy and regularly wear our old costumes. For “Disney Day”, F wanted to be Robin Hood—not Peter Pan, apparently, because, “My hat is brown, not green; and I have a hood!” 😆 W got a shark fin hairstyle with the help of lots of gel for Crazy Hair Day.

F could have put on his Dino sweatshirt and called it good for Dinosaur Day, but he wanted to wear his Pterodactyl costume. Even though he said he was one of the only kids in his class that wasn’t wearing a Dino T-shirt, he was just so happy to be able to pretend that it didn’t phase him.
Orchestra Concert in the Park

L had a concert in the park and we got to see the results of all her daily practice. She works hard and is consistent with her craft, and for that I’m very proud of her. Also she looked amazing and like she knew what she was doing, lol. Her class period performed the best in school, so their teacher put them in the front. That was a big compliment to her practicing, and much nicer for us to be able to see her during the performance! My favorite was their performance of the Can-Can.
We also attended an awards assembly at her Middle School where she received “Outstanding Growth in English Language Arts” and “Honor Roll” for straight A’s all year. What an amazing girl!