Family Photos 2022
Kismet finding this location in an unexpected corn field set against the mountains draped in fall colors. My husband has the most uncanny gift locating magical backdrops on the day of family photos. Thank you so much to Victoria for her talent and time capturing these shots!

Our dog Roxy’s cute bow ripped to shreds right before! I cut the boys’ hair to cover their new head injuries the first month of school. Fletch was able to have his gash glued rather than stitched, and W’s goose-egg got worse when he picked his scab. These boys love their adventures, give their all, and get up when they fall.
F makes friends wherever he goes (like a true yellow), and his views are simple but also meaningful and often profound. He cares deeply about animals, people, and spiritual matters. Recently he decided he wanted to be a firefighter specifically for our area. ”I guess I will not be moving far away when I grow up, or else I can’t be an Orchard Hills firefighter.” He thinks a lot about growing up! I am just enjoying him this big, though!

Things are really clicking for W! Even in Kindergarten, he gets that letters make sounds and put together make words—one of his favorite recent pastimes has been making up nonsense words that just sound funny, usually with lots of extra q’s, x’s, and z’s!

L is shy with her smiles now that her second phase of braces just got put on. Our dog Roxy loves cuddling with her while she’s reading (which is often). “Just us” time together has become so important for her as she is in that stage where she’s getting too old for the kiddy activities her brothers still enjoy. She grows in stature, knowledge, and confidence; this year she is doing so well with soccer, viola, writing illustrated stories, and singing choir.
Jer is making his health a priority, and keeps losing weight riding his new e-bike to work daily then doing weekend longer rides on his road bike. He’s back on a Keto lifestyle and has the positive support of friends, healthy competition, and careful tracking with his ketones and blood pressure. I’m seriously so proud of him!

I felt really comfortable for these pictures, like I’m just now growing into myself. Cut my hair rugged asymmetrical and short; it feels like me and that truly makes me happy! I wore my grandmother’s ring as a necklace for an empowering reminder of her strength with me even though she is passed. I’ve always wanted a pinafore, and found this navy one a day prior. I couldn’t stop wearing it since it goes with everything I have! My contempt for ”lipstick” especially in bright colors is over; the boldness seems to suit me just fine and I like how it brings out my cheery playful side.

Looking at these photos, this is everything that I ever asked God for since I was a child—the love of my life, my cherished children, and even a dog?! My forever family…
“Being a family means you are a part of something very wonderful. It means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life.
— Lisa Weedn