Adventures,  Personal

First Half Marathon

We did it!!!
I finished my first half marathon faster than my goal, even on an injured knee 🎉 So proud of Leilani placing 2nd in her age group- she’s amazing! Had the best time training with her, one of my best friends! She was very patient, consistent, and inspiring to me. I got 6th in my age/gender group.

Last week I reached my fastest pace for a run over 7 miles, so I wanted to wear the same “lucky” outfit and gear. Somehow I hoped to get the same results that way. Unfortunately this lucky outfit was dirty when I was getting ready. Almost everything was dirty; I was at the bottom of my workout drawer, so this wasn’t what I expected but it was the most clean and comfortable.

This race is called PC2PG (Provo Canyon to Pleasant Grove). It was small yet well supported with bathrooms, drinks, volunteers to point where to go, chalk marks on the trail, and even police to help us pass on busy streets. I liked that it wasn’t super crowded. This was my first time riding on a bus to the start line, and we sat there all pumped up waiting to start for an hour. I’m thankful my friend Leilani was experiencing it all with me! Hopefully I can update once the race photos are up.

We got to run by Bridal Veil falls even with the avalanche, and the new Lindon temple being built. I stopped at the shaded area with the wooden stump where my friend Dylan and I used to train for the Ragnar with the rest of my coworkers. He passed away a little over a year ago living his best life. That meant so much to me to remember him us joking about barefoot shoes at that very spot.

I tried my first Gu energy gel in salted caramel, and it worked well for me as I lost steam around Mile 6.5 when my knee injury started flaring up and I had to walk or take it easy.

Bridal Veil Falls
Lindon Temple under construction

I got to meet Leilani’s parents who met her at the finish line, and her brother who even ran parts of the race with her for support. They were the nicest people!

We celebrated with a big breakfast together, and even ordered the same thing haha. It was SO yummy after burning all that energy. I had the best time training and challenging myself. Not going to lie- it was hard! Hard to wake up early, run on vacation, dedicate at least an hour on weekends for long runs; but I’ve learned so much! I’ve learned about what my body can take, improving my form, how to fuel, how to hydrate, how to recover, how to cross train, what the heck cadence and stride and strike are… It feels like another level and honestly I kind of like the intensity!

I’m so glad I stuck with it, and although I’m getting older I feel healthier than ever. After this knee heals I can’t wait to get back to running and maybe doing another race. Here’s to improving a little every day, and doing it with friends.

Love, Kat

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