I Signed Up for a Half-Marathon
Yep. I’m only half the crazy 😉
Being down all winter got me itching to get physically active and get some good habits going again.
Running with Age
My loved ones gave me advice on turning 35 this year.
- Invest in myself, especially physical and mental health.
- Take care of my body.
- Don’t limit myself.
- Enjoy life!
- Make my motto, “Do not be discouraged. It will ALL work out!”
- Stretch!
Their rallying has helped me to think I can do it, and running a race this distance is enough of a challenge to help me grow without breaking me. 13.1 miles is doable with enough time beforehand to train. I’d regularly run 10 miles for my Ragnar races years ago. It’s really just trying to get my aging body back up to speed.

Stretching and cross-training is so much more important for my body now. Sore shoulders, neck, ankles, everything! I notice my body’s not as good at absorbing shock as it was years ago lol, so that’s why I’m trying to stick to the cross training / rest days so I don’t inadvertently injure myself. The “off-days” are also important for me to do some pre/post-run stretches. Love the yoga! There’s even a “workouts for running” on Netflix from Nike if you’re interested. Everything from upper, core, arms, ankles- I’ve really enjoyed them! For cross training I’m looking for low impact or something that doesn’t require me to wear sunscreen every day bc my skin is also getting more sensitive with age.
Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.
Abraham Lincoln
I wasn’t going to race at all, just get my body race ready; I chose a 20 week training plan to build up slowly and taper down, with rest days / cross training in between. Not running every day would hopefully give me the best recovery, endurance, and avoid injury since I’m back to beginner level.

On Week 5, I discovered my friend was also training for a half-marathon, and we decided to run one together. She told me about the PC2PG race that goes downhill through gorgeous views of Provo Canyon trail to Pleasant Grove. Running with friends is such a nourishing experience for me, I felt good about signing up with her!
Together we chose a new 12-Week training plan leading up to the race that we could adapt for our schedules and needs. It gives us Sundays off, running 3-4 days per week with cross training in between, and enough flexibility for weekends camping or traveling.
Keeping It Interesting

Instead of running the neighborhood paths, I ran the canyon because I felt like I needed more “nature” and less highway. It was beautiful!! I felt so happy running in nature. The more I thought about the familiar trails, the more excited I got about the course. It doesn’t get monotonous to me because a natural place always has changes if you notice them. Running the same trail on a cloudy day is completely different than a sunny one. Running around sunrise is a new experience from running the same area hours later. I notice the wildflowers changing, the butterflies that come out, the change in the breeze or the intensity of the water, the saturation in the colors of the foliage on the mountains. I appreciate the clear air that fills my lungs and my whole body. I feel very small amongst the giant peaks and the sky, and I love being able to explore this area’s beauty with all of my senses as I’m running through it.
Running with a working phone has been a much better experience! My new phone has fun music, shows my running progress in real time, helps me follow the training plan with timing or distance goals, takes photos of the beautiful places I run at, and allows me to share milestones and support with friends.
I already had some quality running shoes, but this time I bought running shorts with pockets! And a top for running in the summer. It was really important to me that with this much mileage, I could run comfortably in clothing made for sweating, warm weather, and able to hold my phone. I’ve run with the arm bands before but it’s always coming off and I’m needing to stop to adjust. I feel confident in the new clothes and think they are cute.

Saturdays are my long runs. I’ve decided to run really early in the morning. If I get it done first thing, I don’t have to plan my day around it and it’s already done! It also seems to energize me for the rest of my day.
My BFF and I are planning a birthday Mommy vacation the week before the race when I’d be doing my longest mileage- in the toughest summer heat. I’m really looking forward to running in a different area while on vacation! It’s supposed to be along one of the longest stretches of sidewalk (10 miles) right next to the water.

I tested out running with a camel pack filled with water on a 5-miler while I was feeling dehydrated. It helped a LOT and didn’t slow me down too much. I looked like a total nerd, though!
Still have about 8 weeks left. It’s so easy to let numbers get us down, but I’m trying to stick with it. Pace is like a bonus for the adrenaline on race day! I told Jer that this being my first half marathon, my goal is just to finish 😆 Like all the training and nutrition and hydration leading up to it and getting to that starting line is an accomplishment already. No matter what time I get, or what happens along the way I can be proud of reaching the end.
Love, Kat
Update: Half Marathon post here!