Fletcher’s Pet Rocks
School is putting on a Second Grade Store where the kids can buy and sell their creations and services for school money they’ve earned throughout the year for doing helpful deeds or good behavior. The kids do all the parts including deciding on what to offer, crafting their ideas or performing their services, creating a Sign or Poster, pricing their products, counting the money, and setting up / managing their store. There are several Store dates, and the students who want to participate in selling are assigned to certain dates.

F’s day is March 1st. He has been dreaming up what to make and sell for months now! At the last Second Grade Store, he bought a dragon paper airplane, a “lightsaber” glowstick, a “Dinosaur Age Rock” (which hilariously was a normal rock), and had so much fun. He decided to make Pet Rocks!

This has been a 3+ Day project. They’ve been scouring our yard looking for the perfectly shaped specimens. We looked through our stash of craft projects for Acrylic paint since the water based kind would just wash off, and it’s not unusual for Pet Rocks to be left outside. We spent days getting a good couple of coats of color on there, and painting the faces. These rocks truly feel like they have personalities! Some feel more like snapping turtle faces, some with big cute eyes, others with eyes on either side like a lizard. He priced them with colored stickers according to size and cuteness hahaha.

Jer was an amazing help with setting things up for the kids and supervising so that there was minimal mess. F even displayed his Pet Rocks in a “cage” which earlier this week was the plastic packaging for a cake. How fun and colorful is his poster! The kids even used smelly markers for it hahaha! I love that he forgot how to spell his own name, but was able to add the missing letter later- that seems so like him. We think it will be a big hit at school, and hope his first time being an Entrepreneur is a great experience for him!
Love, Kat