Giant Donuts + Pool 6th Birthday
Our baby is 6 years old today! He had a combined water birthday party with his brother over the weekend, but today we had family time. As you can see by the size of his birthday breakfast donut, he is all about going all-in! He loves with his whole heart, which we very much enjoy as parents but Jeremy especially. W loves Daddy. Often times he will shower Jer with declarations of love and then totally forget about me hahahaha. They have been biking, cuddling, baking, and lately playing Minecraft on the Switch.
We love this observant, spunky, affectionate, imaginative, and way-too-good-at-problem-solving child. Yesterday he fixed his older brother’s bike when he figured how the chain worked. His best friends are his brother and sister. Kindergarten has helped him to find his own friends, and I’ve noticed that most of them are sweet little girls. Whenever we go places, he always has adorable little girls coming up to him saying hi who know his name. I love that he’s not shy about having girls for friends, or thinking that they are cute.
He notices things others often overlook, like spider webs on a walk or where all the warm spots are in the house so he can lay his whole body on it. He told me that he follows our dog Roxy on the couch, not immediately because he wants to give her time to warm up the spot before taking it from her hahaha.
He’s loving Minecraft now because he can build anything there. His birthday wish (and he’s been planning it for a year) is to spend a day at the pool. Even though it was freezing and windy with summer lightning storms coming, we couldn’t let him down! He played in that pool and the lazy river until his teeth were chattering and his whole body was shaking, and even then he didn’t want to leave! Happy Birthday to my Little Man (he hates when I call him that hahaha! “Mom! I’m not a little man, I’m a boy!”).
Love, Kat