Let’s Get Soaked! Birthday Party

Birthday season is here! F is 8 years old today!!! His missing tooth is growing in! He’s most excited that he gets to play with friends at his/W’s birthday party today, ride in the car without a car seat, and he’s being promoted to dishwasher emptier. Love this kid’s cheer and song in his heart ❤️
- Favorite color: Orange
- Favorite thing to do: video games
- When I grow up: Zoologist
It’s the few times a year that I attempt to bake a cake- and this year we did my favorite chocolate cake, I stole the recipe from my friend Victoria who made it for L’s first birthday years ago… super moist and chocolatey, not too sweet.

We finally bought a folding table so we wouldn’t need to keep borrowing one, and will get so much use out of it!

It’s a once a year event, so we got all our kids favorite junk food (cheese balls, Doritos, otter pops, ice cream) and some crowd-pleasing grilled hot dogs and watermelon. I was surprised that the kids hardly drank any water, but I guess that’s what happens when you also have 4 bottles of slushy soda to choose from!

Jer turned our yard into a water game zone. Our side yard has the perfect slope for a slip-and-slide, which he fashioned from plastic sheets held down with hooks and a sprinkler. The kids refilled their water guns in 2 tubs of water.

Jer also did a bunch of water games with them- Capture the Flag, Water Balloon Toss, one where they had to close their eyes while a water balloon is tossed in the air and when they open it they’ve got to get out of the way of the balloon before it hits the ground because if they get wet they are out.

We bought a giant tub and put the “easy fill water balloons” in it.

Roxy our dog sneaked a hot dog and cake / ice cream for the first time; I was busy eating my own lunch before I noticed all the kids had left their food up for the taking! I loved that we were able to enjoy so many activities outside in our yard because of this grass. So grateful Jer put it in last year and we can have these lovely get togethers here now.

I think they loved having friends over, eating a bunch of treats, and fun all day long. Jer was very proud of the party he planned, it turned out so fun for the kids and pretty straightforward to set up and clean afterwards. The Birthday Boys test drove their presents the rest of the day 😆