Hobbit Trunk or Treat
I was so impressed with how Jer and the kids did this awesome Hobbit Hole for our ward Trunk or Treat! Jer constructed it from cardboard boxes that the kids painted. L did the windows and the bricks, and the boys did the greenery. They fastened a pull for the knob, and filled in the spaces around it with greenery and fairy lights. Inside the door was light and a bowl of candy that kids could reach in and grab.

There were lots of matching family costumes this year! Construction workers with a tractor and cone, a family of Power Rangers, twins as an Angel and Devil, the Grinch characters, Sports families, Ghostbusters, Super Mario Brothers characters, the classics like Skeletons and Vampires and Witches, Families of Animals, and my favorite: Nacho Libre, the Nun, and a luchador baby.

We dressed in our costumes from the Hobbit Feast—a family of Hobbits and our Elf Princess! I made hooded cloaks for F and L for warmth and it feels like it finishes the look. Got some stuff for leaves of Lorien pins, but haven’t made them yet. The hoods are pointy! L’s cloak was so hard to sew because it was so stretchy and slippery- I much preferred working with the anti pill fleece, but the other soft velvety material looked very elvish. Jer says I need to make one for him now, and a red waist coat…
F said he had an amazing time, which is true because he’s been home from school sick for 2 days. This trunk or treat was the only way I convinced him to take his cough medicine. He said he saw his friends, played carnival games shooting a duck, ate the best chili, and got to be a Hobbit.
Love, Kat