How YouTube Helped Me Clean My House
Caught myself singing “Just whistle while you work” while doing dishes to get me in a better mood when it’s super late at night. Do you ever just need a pick me up on the never ending To Do’s? Honestly this post is for me when I need motivation and also because I’m friggin pleased with how I turned this hot mess right ‘round.
Been binge watching YouTube videos for inspiration on cleaning techniques, and to try a simple cleaning system I can adopt long term. Apparently I need someone to walk me through complicated life choices like “the right way to clean a bathroom” and “how to clean a very dirty oven”. #sarcasm

How I Cleaned My Disgusting Oven
If “life is what you bake of it”, mine is highly corrosive flesh eating alkaline! Also known as oven cleaner…

This is the video that got me pumped to clean this oven and say, “I can do this!”
I mentioned earlier that this oven has never been cleaned and we’ve been in our home for over 2 years. I used Easy Off Fume Free overnight. In future I’d like to regularly use baking soda and vinegar, but this time I felt like I needed extra power for a hard reset. After Round 1, stubborn spots on the glass remained so I did a second round, and ultimately ended up using a sharp brand new razor blade to carefully remove them. I even soaked and scrubbed the oven racks, and the grill filter thing above the stove!
Dirty Stove Transforms!

I enjoy this guy’s no-nonsense approach in this video. Picked up Krud Kutter from the hardware section, and saw it work magic on my grimy stove! I told Jer no more cooking on the stove unless it’s clean first!
How I Got Over My Dread of Cleaning the Bathroom Toilet
Pretty much all of Melissa Maker’s videos on “Clean My Space” regarding bathrooms make me think, “I can do this!” Baby steps.
Crawling Out of the Mess- Trying The Organized Mum Method
Found a lady who tried TOMM and it made sense for me—smaller efforts more often, plus a rotating list just for Fridays. I’m going to try it out, too, and hopefully have some good news to report! I hope we can all have a little more time living and less time cleaning haha. Wish me luck!!!
Love, Kat