Adventures,  Personal

I Can See!

So, news of the week! Jeremy now wears contact lenses (and it only took him a record of 15 minutes to put them in!). Since Grant moved cross-country for his summer job, he left us to babysit his huge television and gaming system (complete with his entire collection of PS3 games and DVDs). Jeremy was in war-movie heaven.
Despite being sick for 2 weeks, I’m feeling much better since Jeremy’s taken good care of me. Doctor says I will be fine 🙂
In other news, Jeremy and I have decided to get some books to read before or during our nice week-long vacation on the beach with my family. We set some rules: 1 book only, and it MUST be for entertainment purposes (none of this “educational” or “how to” stuff- just good stories and experimentation!). Barnes and Nobles is a dangerous place for us, usually we can’t leave without 5-6 books in tow and that gets pretty expensive. After exploring every section from history to fitness to romance and back to science fiction where Jeremy was hanging out, I decided to just ASK someone what was a good read recommendation because going back to Harry Potter seemed a little desperate. He recommended a new hit called “The Hunger Games” and called it “riveting”, “thrilling”, “a page-turner”, and “can’t put it down”… so I took a chance on not being able to do anything but read, especially since I’m not into “gory” books- and I let it sit until Mother’s Day weekend when I had some time. Bottom line: It was everything they said- and I was hooked. Jeremy, on the other hand, is quite enjoying his read on Star Troopers (which he says is WAY better than the sad-for-an-excuse-of-a-movie). Guess we’ll have to make another book stop if we’re going to have something to read next week!

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