July Family Happenings

Here are the kids the day before July 4th where our neighborhood had a bike parade on our street. The fire department and a police car led the way (with W out in front of them of course 🤣), and then sprayed everyone down in our neighborhood park. The kids got frozen otter pops and played on the water before squelching to their bikes to ride home. We love the traditions in our community!
This month has been full for us! We’ve gone on reunions in Idaho and St George, visited Yellowstone, and more.
Lily went to Girls Camp! We missed her like crazy for 3 days, but in the meantime…

First Lost Tooth
Walker lost his first tooth! He was eating breakfast and it basically just fell out after bothering him for the last few days. He showed his friends, and the boys speculated over dinner what his tooth fairy might be named. It’s Flossom 😆

F loves sharing and teaching about bearded dragons. He’s had Maxy for about a month, and does his very best to feed her and take care of her.
Jer and I switched to a gas powered lawn mower so that he doesn’t need to cut the grass every 3 days. His stress about it has gone down so much and he’s been able to use that time to read instead!

I am extremely pleased with going to a nail salon finally this year! Just in time for vacation nails and vibrant summer colors and even iridescent.
Love, Kat