
Just Moved: The 2-Bedroom

In October, we moved to a bigger apartment with open concept living! We’ve been on the 2-bedroom wait list for over 2 years now, and one finally became available so we had to make a decision and move quickly. Thankfully, the new place was just down the street from our old place and we happened to get rid of a bunch of stuff a couple of days prior! I didn’t actually get to pack or move much because my little girl ended up at the hospital unable to breathe, so I was there overnight with her when all of this went down. I am forever grateful to our ultra-kind and generous friends and family who helped us so much during our family’s time of need.

Dining Area

Dining Before
Dining Before with new table
Dining After
I can’t believe how much space we now have after trading our large black dining table for a smaller, round table. I love the dark stained surface contrasting with the lighter legs! I’m also loving the four matching chairs that give it a warm cottage feel, and fit our smaller physiques- plus, I found some gorgeous trellis fabric to upholster the seats with!
There’s a baby shower for a dear friend that I’m hosting, so we moved the baby dresser into the dining room to function as a buffet, but I’m loving how functional the piece is for dressing up seasonally and giving plants light from the best window in our new home. It’s also quite festive with Christmas lights all year round, and it’s definitely made me not mind putting off hanging curtains in this room!
The gallery wall has also been a work in progress, but it’s coming together nicely thanks to my husband who actually measures.

2nd Bedroom

2nd Bedroom Before
2nd Bedroom After – Office!

We needed a his and hers place to study and work away from the main entertaining area, so this is the result! I was surprised at how difficult it was to compromise with my husband about the furniture choices in this space. He was very opinionated since he would be spending a lot of time here, and didn’t want to go as girly and glam as I would have if it were just for me.

  • Desk: I knew I wanted a desk with X legs, and found this gorgeous desk with the perfect driftwood-colored weathered finish. Bonus! It has a drawer in the middle, and a pull-out shelf on the side. 
  • Chairs: I also knew we had to fit two chairs fairly comfortably here, and when I showed my husband these industrial-style metal club chairs it had just the right balance of masculinity and femininity to win us both over- plus, they are so comfy and the kid can’t do anything to hurt it! 
  • Office Storage: We still have our old filing cabinet, and I didn’t want to clutter up the beautiful new desk with paperwork so I purchased some brown paper boxes and organizers that I could stack (like in the pic) and easily go through, put in a closet, or put on some open shelves when the time comes and it will all match! I also like that it’s generic enough that if I need more, even if they stop selling them where I bought them, there’s a good chance I can find something similar.
  • Lamp: The lamp is a piece we put together after I fell in love with this Aqua Wave lamp that cost over $200. I found the beautiful waterfall glass at a local Hobby Lobby store (of all places!), and a shade with ripples in it that could complement the base’s shape. 
  • Small details: For Christmas, my husband secretly had the glass sent to a lamp company so they could drill a small hole with a diamond-bit and he could install a French lamp kit in it! My husband gifted me the driftwood with air plants for Christmas, too, and I love it! I even love our trash can, which is made of metal and has an intricate pattern on it- bought it right away online at the Container Store.

It’s certainly not done, but I have big plans for this space! I am loving our new apartment and all the potential there is. I feel like we’re trying to make smart choices with every purchase now that we’re on board with only keeping what we love and what is useful, and vouching for quality in some cases since it would save us time and money to replace in the end.

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