My Favorite Pieces of Christ-Centered Art
Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not.
Doctrine and Covenants 6:36
I’m striving to make our home that safe space for my family—a place of love, joy, learning, and faith. Besides trying to live our beliefs, I’m finding that art can be powerful in inviting the spirit into our home, and in helping me get through my darkness. I look for art pieces that bring me peace, lend me strength, and subtly evoke hope at every turn. I like restraint in my religious artwork—impressionist paintings and sketch art that may surprise me with at first seeming to be beautiful scenes from nature (a wave on a shore or a field of trees) but you feel there’s something odd or special about it. Only upon closer inspection or processing the full work do you recognize it’s the Savior walking on water, that wave is actually on both sides in the parting of the Red Sea, or realize it’s the power of God shining through the trees in a Sacred Grove. Just as in life, God is always there in the details—there’s so much more to it, and that depth and profundity is revealed when we seek Him.
I love that my kids get excited when they see a picture of Christ and just recognize Him! My husband has always wanted one, so we finally splurged and bought a small marble statue of the Christus originally by Bertel Thorvaldsen, which sits on our bookshelf. My main thought in putting Christ-centered art in our home is so “…that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins.” (2 Nephi 25:26) As a designer who doesn’t like to be too literal, the goal is not to go all the way in making my living room look like a church meetinghouse. I want visitors of all walks of life and faith to be comfortable here, and have positive feelings either appreciating the skill in the art or feeling the spirit behind it.
Many on my list have impressionist strokes that leave some details to the imagination, but enough form that what is being depicted is clear and distinct. I love pieces bathed in warm light or color because that is what God’s love feels like to me. If it shows the face of Christ, I love being able to see his eyes and especially his hands—inviting, encouraging, reminding me of His sacrifice made in love for me imprinted on them, and rooted enough to lean my whole being on when my own strength fails me.
…they may forget, yet will I not forget thee. Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me.
Isaiah 49:15-16
My favorite Christ-centered art shows Him the way I know him—kind, an individual Savior, healer, true friend, Prince of Peace. Here are some of my favorite artists and their works:
- Rescue of the Lost Lamb by Minerva Teichert
- EVERYTHING by Yongsung Kim. Especially “The Hand of God“
- Rescuer by Haley Miller (Restoration Prints)
- Jesus and the Lamb charcoal sketch by Katherine Brown
- First Vision From Afar by Michael Albrechtsen
- Rising Higher by Yongsung Kim
- His Hand is Stretched Out Still by Yongsung Kim
- Agony in the Garden by Frans Schwartz
- The Keeper by Haley Miller (Restoration Prints)
- The Fold of God by by Haley Miller (Restoration Prints)

One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in his temple.
Psalm 27:4
I have loved looking at these beautiful paintings and artwork! I hope you can feel inspiration, and maybe even find ways to incorporate into your own home more of what brings you strength and helps remind you of God’s love for you! <3 Kat