15 Ways I’ve Stayed Motivated
Sorry for the silence. If I had time, I’d write a post about each of these points. For now this doubles as an update, which will be like ripping off a bandaid. To catch you up on a few things:
- I reached out to my best friend during an excruciating low a couple months ago, who helped me get past the Denial stage and recognize signs of Anxiety and Seasonal Depression. Sorry, a lot to unpack there.
- Decided to get therapy (see #1). I haven’t started yet, but I’ve looked into lots of options and found something that I hope will work for me. Therapy is expensive, but the plan is to have it paid for before starting next month so there’s no lapse.
- Treated myself to new running shoes. Exercise has always helped me cope. Most of the challenge of running is mental. There’s a strong urge of wanting to give up, but after dragging myself to the finish—as long as I don’t push myself too hard—I feel recharged and accomplished physically and mentally.
- Ended my side gig (see #1) to make more time for what brings me joy like my family and more creative work. The side business picked up significantly right afterwards.
- Our home felt like a haven with fresh flowers and sparkling clean spaces. I found some Christ centered art to display, which makes me happy every time I see it. Easter was full of extra love with my family, my Savior, and much needed rest. Kids dyed eggs with Daddy, and the next day they woke up to their baskets with binoculars and zoo tickets.
- Talks from General Conference reset my weary / overwhelmed soul. Some that deeply touched my heart:
- This was everything for me. I know what it feels like to seek every drop of sunlight in darkness (see #1). How wonderful that there is an everlasting light, and ways to have that light always. “Light Cleaveth Unto Light” by Elder Dykes
- I cried through this entire talk about injustice, which is something I struggle to make sense of as a person who believes in a loving God. Jesus Christ both understands unfairness and has the power to provide a remedy, which fills me with hope. I love the idea of becoming a “stone catcher”. “Infuriating Unfairness” by Elder Renlund
- The Rabbit Effect makes me so happy; choosing to love and be kind is becoming more important each day. “Hearts Knit Together” by Elder Stevenson
- Connecting our loved ones who continue after their journey in mortality, and those yet to be born. “The Personal Journey of a Child of God” by Elder Anderson
- This man’s smile and cheerful attitude are infectious. “Ye Shall Be Free” by Elder Mutombo
- Took our first family trip in ages to the Aquarium, and the Zoo—fully masked! Seeing these creatures great and small, making an event out of it, and sharing it with my excited Little Ones really lifted my spirits.
- One of the highlights of Spring Break was feeling like a Good Mom again (see #4). No looming deadlines, urgent matters, or business to distract me from one-on-one quality time with each of my kids and husband. I distinctly felt care-free and, “This is the life!”
- Me Time. And not in a vegged out, completely exhausted way. I got to hang out on the sunny porch reading Jane Austen books (“Jane Was Here”) in a rocking chair with my babies while snacking on apples. In the middle of the day! Showers as long as I chose. Nowhere to be and nothing to do except whatever I wanted. Time to pick out an outfit, shop online, plan my quilt… It was the BEST!
- Our kids have made friends in the neighborhood! What a joy for them to not be alone anymore! Lots of after school play dates, kids to walk home with from the bus, and getting to know our neighbors better. Talking with children and seeing them play makes my day. Sometimes they even asked me play with them. Not sure when is the last time you played hide and seek, but it’s pretty fun!
- Hosted a Mother Daughter Tea Party for L and friends (see #10)! L helped me make the sandwiches, set the table, and felt so fancy in her dress. Looking forward to festive traditions and putting care into them brings me energy!
- Participated fully in family events, wherein I felt the spirit so strongly. We had a special baptism! I LOVE Baptisms, especially for children! It was the first time I got to lead the music since the pandemic broke out—and primary music at that—so I got a little sentimental. Jeremy gave the talk on the gift of the Holy Ghost, and explained how just like our natural gifts (talents) it becomes stronger as we keep at it. We got to embrace the lovely woman who’s marrying into our family next month, and play games together! No family drama, it was wonderful.
- Visited with old friends from our previous ward at the house they bought right after we bought ours. It was so enjoyable being together with them again and sharing in their happiness.
- Reconnected with childhood friends! One from elementary school, one from high school, and even my sweet youngest brother. Catching up has been a trip! We had meaningful conversations, laughed a lot, and got to reflect on the biggest parts of our lives.
- Music consistently keeps me motivated. During my workouts, I’m listening to fast and upbeat songs with lyrics like “Don’t Let Me Down”, “I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more”, “Everything that drowns me makes me wanna fly”, probably lots of burning and clapping, and of course—”I’m the Man” hahaha. After everyone else has gone to bed for the night but I need to finish the dishes, I enjoy a lot slower music—on repeat it’s “Claire de Lune” and the Pride and Prejudice soundtrack. Otherwise it’s been chill selections from George Harrison, the Beatles, Bread, ELO, James Taylor, Carol King, and my favorite hymns. I’ve had a lot of quiet personal moments in my music, and have felt a lot closer to the spirit or clarity on what’s going on.
I guess it could be summed up as: Quality time with friends and family, Personal interests, and Meaningful experiences keep me motivated. They help me focus, relax, and connect without becoming overwhelmed. I hope this helps!