How I Met Your Nugget
Haaaave ya met the Nugget? (What is life without Barney Stinson quotes?) Oh you haven’t?…. Well, put on your imagination hats, and join us in playing with one of the most beloved items in the loft!
It’s Going to Be Legend… Wait for It… Dary!
We got this kid couch a month ago, and our kids (ages three to nine) play with it daily! The first few nights they created a fortress with the Nugget, laid blankets over it, put a pile of sleeping bags inside, and slept there. It’s perfect for reading, watching shows, a sturdy platform for all of the magnet tile and LEGO creations, and lounging in after church haha… I wish I was able to take photos of every formation they’ve come up with. They have created castles, forts, pirate ships, slides to jump off of, tents, spaceships, bridges, and more. BONUS! My rambunctious boys have stopped messing with my real couch and pillows as much now that they have this to jump on and climb.
Camping tent Reading Nook By quiet moments known as a plain couch Lounging after church
Suit Up!

We are the second owners of this Nugget, so I took off all the covers to wash them. Super easy! The hardest part was putting a timeout on the naked pieces because W kept trying to climb and use them anyway! They air-dried on our stair banister for a few hours before we put them back on, and it was good as new!
Challenge Accepted.
So I’ve got to tell you the adventure of trying to buy one of these! I guess Nugget couches have been a hot item on social media for a while? Makes sense with quarantine; the demand got so out of hand that a lottery system had to be established! I found some intense blog posts about how to buy one as they become available before they sell out in seconds?! Why go through all that trouble, Kat? We love ours so much and get so much value playing with it daily, so for us it’s worth every penny—if you can score one for the brand new price from the manufacturer or lower.

They are not cheap to begin with. In December when I originally started checking they were backordered until April, but still taking orders. Receiving one in April would mean that throughout the winter months when I’d really need something entertaining for indoors, I’d need to figure something else out. Maybe there were other options if I was patient. I checked online for used ones, and holy cow price gouging! Used ones were going for at least twice the original cost—as in, I could buy two brand new for the same amount as a used one; only catch is I’d have to wait until April. The price-gougers told me they were just trying to get back what they paid for it (translation: it’s coming up on Christmas, so…).
When I’m sad, I stop being sad, and be awesome instead! True Story…
I actually did end up putting in an order with the hopes it would come before April, but then—kismet. It was super refreshing to find the lady who I ultimately bought from. She had listed it in like-new condition for less than the original cost; it felt like finding a freakin’ unicorn. She lived hours away but was willing to work with me on pickup/delivery arrangements during the holidays, and even though I offered to pay her beforehand she wouldn’t take my money until I had seen it in real life and was happy with it. God bless her for her honesty, kindness, and generosity—it’s made staying at home with my munchkins that much more **magical**.
We tried it out for a week or so before canceling our order; one Nugget was perfect for our space, and the kids played happily without needing two. Just a few days ago, though, they started wanting to make bigger or separate builds. “I want a pirate ship!” “No, I want a space ship!” L pointed out that we just needed two! So now I’m on the lookout for another. Ready for Round Two?