Bonding Time: Fun with Grandparents – Part 2
This was my parents’ last day with us, I can’t believe we crammed all this in one day! See Part 1 of my parents’ visit here.
Hiking Prospector View
So grateful to be able to share our favorite trail with my Dad and Mom! They were able to see the beautiful views and a hint of the changing season/colors on this morning adventure. My folks are from a lower elevation, and I wanted to make sure I had as much preparation for this activity for them as I could. A hiking group online recommended Oxygen Boost for supplemental respiratory support, and I think my Dad really liked it! He made it all the way to the top with my Mom, where we got this beautiful pic of them.

I just got a new calling, and it was really special for my father to join my husband and bishop in setting me apart. I really appreciated that my parents were able to join us for many of the things we like to do regularly even going to church.
Tea Party

One Comment
Willie Delarosa
Such a wonderful time. So nice to be with the Lloyd’s land. LOL