
Road-trip to Oklahoma

As a record breaking blizzard swept the nation with a cold front, we set out in our van and said a prayer we would make it safely to the Lloyd family Christmas.

I had a week to get everything ready once we returned from vacation in Mexico. Jer helped me pack the food and get the van ready for the road trip amongst work and wrestling tournaments. I was so thankful for last minute shopping on Amazon as I shuttled kids and hubby around, wrapped presents, cleaned laundry, and packed up the suitcases. We left by 4am and drove slowly through the snowy pass.

Coloring before Dinner

There are at least 3 ways for us to get to Oklahoma, and we chose the route through New Mexico to avoid snow. We broke up the drive into two days, and stayed the night at a pet-friendly hotel with breakfast so we’d be able to rest well for the second leg. Jer turned on an audiobook Eragon which really helped with the drive on Day 2.

Touring the gingerbread pueblos – Indian Pueblo Museum, New Mexico

Even though we packed food and snacks so we’d be able to keep driving without stopping, I also really liked that we made time to eat a real dinner. Since we were in New Mexico, we wanted some authentic Navajo tacos! Took us a while to find the place, as it was inside the Indian Pueblo Museum- can you get more authentic than that? So worth it! The warm atmosphere and colorful food lifted our spirits—especially for Jer and I who took turns driving—and was absolutely delicious for hungry weary travelers.

Navajo tacos “Indian tacos” with lamb
Blue corn enchilada plate with red sauce, fresh veggies like zucchini, grilled corn, and beans

It was -2F degrees that night, and with the below freezing temperatures I’m so glad we had a warm place to stay with our dog. Roxy was a traveling champ in the back seat sitting on L’s lap, taking potty breaks and walks whenever we had to stop for gas. She slept by the heater, and was just content to finally rest outside of the car. We happened to see F’s favorite episode of Bluey called “Rug Island”, and laughed ourselves silly before baths and bedtime.

Pet-friendly night in New Mexico
On the road again

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