September Everyday Moments
This month was full of the out-of-the ordinary. We did things we don’t normally do, like running in the middle of a rain storm… and it felt magical. We got life changing news and changed what we’re eating and cooking. We had days off we don’t usually have, and decided to do something special. We splurged and got my wedding ring resized as part of our 15th anniversary. I treated myself to an expensive book—a hardcover special edition of Tress of the Emerald Sea, and I can’t wait to read it with the kids!
Here are some highlights from September.

Sick Days
Jer and F got sick for a week. I made chicken noodle soup while F watched movies and we played Uno together. Although Jer worked during a lot of his illness, he felt comfortable with his student teacher taking over while he took some days off so his body could rest. On the last day of their recovery, Jer and F spent quality time together and went out to lunch plus the board game store.

Low Sodium Cooking
Jer is on a DASH diet now—a “low-sodium, low-fat, low-processed, lots of fresh veggies and fruit with lean meats and whole grains” kind of diet (Doctor’s orders). We’re needing to move away from our convenient dinners we relied a lot on during soccer season, and cooking a lot more with fresh produce. I put away all our salty seasonings so we could cook more with dried and fresh herbs. We’ve been studying labels and replacing soy sauce with the lowest sodium coconut aminos I could find, switching our red/fatty/cured meats with fish and turkey, trying out new grains like couscous or wild rice, and making vegetarian dishes at least 2 times a week. It’s a team effort as we transition to eating less meat and more fresh vegetables. Jer’s follow up doctor appointment will be at the beginning of next month, and we are hopeful.

Kids Day Off
The kids had a day off from school, and after giving them lots of options they voted to go to the library, the playground, and have lunch at Costco after helping me grocery shop there haha. Their minds were blown by the chicken bake and fruit smoothies. Our ride in the car was quiet since they were all very much occupied with the books they borrowed from the library.

Tea Ministering
I’ve loved having tea and treats every day this last week with ladies from my neighborhood as we discuss their lives and ministering. I set up the living room as a play area for their Little Ones with toys, books, and a show like Daniel Tiger or Blues Clues.

I’m thankful to be able to celebrate so much throughout this month. It’s such a blessing to have time with this family, slow down to actually cook real food, and taking a much wiser friend’s advice. “If your child asks you to play a game with him, you make cereal for dinner and go and play with him. There will come a time when he won’t ask to play anymore.” We got to play Chess together, and it was hilarious the crazy moves F had. L read a long chapter from Harry Potter to me, and I saw how much her reading voice has grown. I let W take out the Halloween box early and decorate to his heart’s desire. It’s been the best! ❤️
Love, Kat