Snapshots of October
It’s been an action packed month and I’m ready to sit a spell haha.

Fall Dance Festival
The boys’ school holds a dance festival every year and each grade shows us a dance they learned. Here’s F’s 3rd grade Thriller dance:
W was in the very back so I couldn’t see him well, but his 2nd grade performed the Cupid Shuffle.
We’ve been really involved with church things this month. Started off the month with General Conference! It was our ward’s turn to clean the building, so we went as a family each Saturday.

I was in charge of a Relief Society Activity for Family History Month, Día de Muertos themed. The next day was the Trunk or Treat / Chili Cookoff, a highlight for us during Halloween!
Speaking of chili cookoff, we’ve had a lot of chili lately! It’s still Jer’s favorite dish and he’s been experimenting with fresh peppers and ways to flavor it without salt. Jer’s DASH diet emphasizes eating more fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean meats and dairy, beans, nuts, and seeds. We’ve been meal planning together so that we can eat together and try new recipes. Jer is learning how to make sourdough bread, and it goes so well with soup season. Here were some yummy things we tried this month:

Clockwise from top left: Sour dough toast with egg, fresh tomato, and herbs; turkey chili with bread; roasted chicken, new potatoes, carrots, and mushrooms; Minestrone soup with orzo and bread; Peach Balsamic Chicken; Italian eggs with buttered toast; Jer’s sourdough loaf; Peruvian green chicken and rice; Jambalaya.
Food is also an excuse to gather with friends, neighbors, and family.

Family Moments

Love, Kat