Superman First Birthday
This is the story of a little boy. It starts with teeny tiny hand and foot prints, preemie sized diapers and onesies celebrating his stay in the NICU a year ago. It’s easy to forget just how much they grow in just a year! We are forever grateful for the miracles of modern medicine and prayer that allowed our baby to come home.

He is our little hero! Of course we had to throw him a Superman first birthday party! Close friends and family came to celebrate the Superboy.
Superman Party Ideas

The party table brought everything together! The statement backdrop was hand-drawn using sharpies and markers on white Kraft paper, and was a fun project done with my little girl. She colored in all the windows and many other details. We designed the city of Metropolis with the Daily Planet in the center. I love that all our hard work can be reused for another superhero party in the future, and easily rolled up for storage. Our printer is not working in color so… We hand-drew all the food labels, too! So much fun to do with your kids.

Food was definitely the highlight. We love having a fun filling meal for small family parties, especially since the party was near nap time and lunch.

We needed vegan options for some guests, so we made a “Build a Hero Haystack” station! The menu was a Super version of Hawaiian Haystacks we called “Hero Haystacks”. All ingredients were optional to accommodate any dietary restrictions or food allergies. We tried to keep it colorful and healthy with both crunchy and delicious toppings: “dirty rice” (a mixture of brown and white rice), coconut milk or gravy, chicken, pineapple, chopped black olives, yellow bell pepper, tomatoes, green onion / chives, shredded carrots, craisins, sunflower seeds, and chow mein noodles.

Crunchy chips, Fruit Kapows (watermelon), and Wonder Dogs (pigs in a blanket) were served on the side.

The kids LOVED making their drinks pop and fizzle with some “kryptonite”.

This newspaper clipping that we eventually mailed to Great-grandparents who weren’t able to attend chronicled the year, and gave guests some fun facts about the birthday boy! If my husband’s pre-WWII typewriter was not being repaired that day, I would have put it in there for fun!

Our family birthday tradition is Angel Food Cake since it’s really the only kind of cake we like, so I’m always trying to find ways to reinvent it. These were super simple Angel Food Cupcakes in comic book style wrappers and toppers, with a whipped cream frosting and powdered sugared raspberries.

Rather than decorating a high chair for the First Birthday Cake (he hates siting in any high chair), baby tasted and gobbled it up while I held him! No candle, though- I couldn’t remember where I put the box haha.

Guests dressed in superhero attire, which was fun for everyone! We wanted to do photos of guests in front of the cityscape background once the food was cleared, but by then it was time to go home.
Even the door was made festive and looked like a telephone booth that Superman transforms in.
What a day! The birthday boy slept solid after having the time of his life.