• Kids

    Walker is One Year Old!

    Our baby is officially a year now! This past month he has loved sleeping with just his diaper on. He’s been pushing his walker, riding the paddle board at the pool with Daddy, crawling…

  • Kids

    Walker is 11 Months

    I’m actually a few days late on this update, but this baby boy has been keeping me busy! He’s developed quite an attachment to me and has separation anxiety anytime I’m out of…

  • Kids

    Walker is 10 Months

    Baby boy loves standing! He was smart enough to not just use furniture, but also climbed up onto the wall in the hallway so he could stand up. He’s started “helping” me do…

  • Kids

    Walker is 9 Months

    Baby had a busy month! Seemingly overnight he learned how to crawl and get into everything. He said his first word, and today I discovered two little teeth poking out of the bottom of…

  • Kids

    Walker is 8 Months

    Where has the time gone? At the beginning of the month he was ninja crawling. We would put him on the floor and watch him do nothing, but as soon as we looked…

  • Kids

    Walker is 7 Months

    A Month of Firsts This little boy is growing so fast! A couple of weeks ago he was just under 15 pounds and 5th percentile in weight. There has been plenty of excitement…

  • Kids

    Walker is 6 Months

    Little Jumping Bean This kid thinks he can get up and walk already! He has such strong legs and always wants to stand, bounce, and jump about. I finally decided to look for…

  • Kids

    Walker is 5 Months

    We are loving this little guy’s personality! He looks at us with love and recognition, and apparently he’s ticklish all over his body! I’ve started playing with him between a diaper change and…

  • Kids

    Walker is 4 Months

    This kid is now 12 pounds 5 ounces. Smiles sometimes! Hilarious long farts while breastfeeding. Starts scratching his face if he’s been crying for too long. Losing a lot of his hair, completely…

  • Kids

    Walker is 3 Months

    Our baby boy is losing his hair! His eyes grow wide when he is checking something out. When he cries, his lip quivers and his cheeks droop in a heartbreaking way just like…