Walker is 6 Months
Little Jumping Bean
This kid thinks he can get up and walk already! He has such strong legs and always wants to stand, bounce, and jump about. I finally decided to look for a jumper and we were so lucky to find this rainforest jumparoo! At first he just sat in it and liked to look at the lights and music, but then L taught him how to jump and now he expresses his enthusiasm often.

Milestones This Month

This past month he had his baby blessing, is basically sleeping through the night except for maybe one feeding, and takes naps with Big Brother. He also learned to roll over (back to front)! I couldn’t put him down anywhere without him scooching away, which was not a problem until he fell off the bed even though he had barriers because he just kicked them away. Did I mention he’s pretty strong?

He is also the sweetest when he wakes up—cooing and talking, grinning with the most infectious laugh, thinking everything you do is awesome… Yes, it’s one of the best parts of my day. We’re pretty sure he recognizes me because when Daddy holds him and baby hears my voice he turns his whole body in my direction.

Growing Boy

I can’t decide which is my favorite between his chunky thighs, his adorable belly, his chubby cheeks, or his chin that’s so fun to kiss and tickle! He is often found eating from Mommy or eating his fingers, which equates to lots of spit up and drool. I’m starting to wonder if he’ll be teething soon! We are still breastfeeding without pumping, and he makes it very obvious when he’s ready to eat with an impatient and desperate cry. I love being able to feed and bond with my little guy! We experimented with bottle feeding during a night we tried to go to a movie, and it turns out he was miserable and screamed for 15-20 minutes before comforting himself by sucking on his hand.
He had the biggest blowout of his life during our first visit to his Uncle’s brand new house. Instead of going up the back, it came out the bottom by his legs while I carried him, leaving a trail of squirted mess all over the kitchen floor, my shirt, my pants, his socks… it was epic, and he got a bath afterwards where I immediately moved him into a bigger diaper (size 3!). He is all done with 3-6 month outfits and his chunky legs barely fit in size 6 months!

- Playing with big sister
- Sucking on hands
- Being upside down
- Jumping
- Tickles
- Peek-a-boo
- Story Time
- Colorful lights/sounds from television
- Vocalizing
- Looking at the sky from the window
- Being held
- “I’ll be right back”
- Not being held
- Waking up alone in the dark
- Bottle feeding
- Sitting when he wants to stand
- Standing when he wants to walk