Walker is 5 Months
We are loving this little guy’s personality! He looks at us with love and recognition, and apparently he’s ticklish all over his body! I’ve started playing with him between a diaper change and a feeding, especially lifting him up and having him jump or do what I call “thunder thighs”. He loves it! He laughs and smiles, coos, and babbles— sometimes he even shouts while talking like he’s frustrated and reprimanding us. He sleeps with us now instead of in his crib because it means I can just feed him while laying down, and he doesn’t wake up freaked out that he’s alone in the dark. The competition is still on for who he looks most like, but I think Lily may be the winner.

He is spilling out of his size 2 diapers, but I still have a bunch left with no idea where I put the next size up! He’s been having blowouts lately, but that’s alright with him because it means he gets his favorite bath time followed by his other favorite, eating time. He’s also now in 3-6 month and 6 month clothing! If I knew he grew this fast I would have tried to get him to wear all these 3 month outfits and diapers sooner!

He can sit in the Bumbo during breakfast or dinner and enjoys just being a part of the family. Often times he falls asleep in it! When he’s held, he likes you to stand up so he can see everything. He’s started sucking his hands, especially his thumb, and recently discovered he could suck on Daddy’s knuckles, too!
- Eating his hands
- Sucking his thumb
- Cuddling
- All your attention
- Holding hands
- Being held
- Nap time
- Daddy’s teasing
- Getting out of the bathtub
- Changing clothes over his head where he can’t see
- Being put down anywhere
- Long outings