Family Photos & Bios 2023
See the Year in Review here.
About Our Family This Year

L – 12 years old.
- Loves: fantasy books, singing, crafts, fluffy PJs.
- Blesses our home with: watercolor, viola, fantastic banana bread.
- Wants to be: Artist, Orchestra Member, or Writer/Editor.
- She’s the Best: Ravenclaw & Babysitter!

F – 8 years old.
- Loves: biking, video games, sharing dance moves or piano songs, designing board/card games, playing with friends.
- Blesses our home with: his thoughts, song in his heart, and imaginings.
- Wants to be: Fisherman, Board game maker.
- He’s the Best: reigning Mario Kart Champ!

W – 6 years old.
- Loves: mischievous movies, Minecraft, Sea Monsters, hats, and being “twins” with brother.
- Blesses our home with: his sense of humor & affection.
- Wants to be: Builder/Engineer, Pumpkin farmer “with a pumpkin patch”.
- He’s the Best: Cuddle Buddy & Problem solver!

Jer –
- Loves: riding his Brompton bike, weekends, hiking camping outdoors.
- Blesses our home with: Fun, service, making everything special.
- Wants to: Volunteer, Tobasco on everything.
- He’s the Best: Jokester & Doer
Kat –
- Loves: running (first Half Marathon!), hiking, vacation, organization, laughing.
- Blesses our home with: a family that’s alive, clothed, fed, bathed, loved!
- Wants to be: Adventuring in new places, Reading.
- She’s the Best: Shutterbug

Roxy – 32 dog years.
- Loves: walks, treats, belly rubs.
- Blesses our home with: cuteness, cuddles, bonding.
- Wants to be: with you; licking everything.
- She’s the Best: Friend & Lap Warmer
Thank you to Victoria for these wonderful portraits- we love them!

Jer showed me this spot along his bike ride up West Mountain and around Utah Lake, called Lincoln Point. The pretty fall leaves have all since died and blown away, but he still managed to find a lovely background for family pictures.

In the workforce this was bonuses & rewards season. Now raising kids full time, my “Bonus and Rewards” time is Family Photos—something I can look at and know I’ve done a good job; collect the blessings of their giggles, hugs, and time with me because they think I’m “the best”. They remind me I am doing my best, and it matters to them. Every year gets better. This family in love is my work and glory, and I wish for this joy for everyone! Sending Love to all of you! Thank you again for the beautiful photos, Victoria ❤️
Love, Kat