• Personal

    Ramblings of an Anxious Heart

    Dear Journal, I’ve been thinking lately, and questioning the thoughts. There’s a certain restlessness, a heaviness in mind and spirit, a held breath, then a mad sustained dash until exhaustion or the finish…

  • Adventures

    Salt Lake City Winter Getaway

    We ate German food for lunch (Wienerschnitzel, extra bratwurst, fried potatoes, and cold potato salad), window shopped at the mall to kill time before our checkin to the Inn, and had Ethiopian /…

  • Adventures,  Kids

    Harry Potter Escape Room

    For our first Mother-Daughter Date this year, we booked a wizard themed escape room! This was our first escape room together, so it took us a while to figure out what to look…

  • Adventures

    Habits, Goals, and Happenings

    What’s been going on in my world lately? Life is full right now. Attending baptisms and baby showers, babysitting, L’s honors orchestra, caring for our sick/anxious dog, submitting taxes, working on budgets for…

  • Personal

    Dog Days of January

    This week it’s been a consistent early morning flurry getting the dog out to potty—1am, 2am, 5am. The poor dog seems to be having stress induced colitis again. I’m a walking zombie, and…

  • Personal

    6 Ideas to Get Through Winter 2024

    I’ve been trying to prepare myself to face another winter. Different than prior years (here, here, and here). There’s a bigger focus on the mind. #1. Emotional Resilience Class I have always enjoyed…

  • Kids

    Charlie’s Baptism

    My favorite part of having a Primary calling was experiencing Baptisms. It’s still such a special feeling seeing children so excited to make promises with God, and receiving the gift of the Holy…