5 Plans to Get Through Winter
My friend who’s also a fellow Transplant from California asked me if I had any fun plans to get through winter. Hers usually involved taking a trip to a warmer place (YES!! Maybe I can do that next year). I told her I have several plans to get through winter—not sure if they will work, hahaha. But! Worth a try. This will be my first year ever trying to actively fight the SAD.
Plan A: Go outside / get moving.
Exercise and fresh air are a great combo to beat the winter blues! The cold of winter usually triggers a lethargy for me, but while the sun shines I’ll at least walk the dog or go for a run. Helps that getting out is actually a need for our dog. Also helps that the kids and husband all enjoy the cold, and that we live walking distance from a very pretty and somewhat secluded reservoir which feels special and relaxing when I visit. It’s extra beautiful when it’s frozen.
When it’s too cold outside, I hope to still do Yoga and exercise indoors, maybe even dance with the kids.
Plan B : Flowers.
I get really affected by my environment. Even though I can’t control how dark and dreary the landscape gets during winter, I can spruce up the spaces in my house to inject color and vibrancy. Flowers hold so much meaning for me, and seriously always cheer me up with their symbol of just being alive. They also signify a light at the end of the wintry tunnel promising warmer weather. I discovered even fake (but very realistic) ones do the trick for me! I treasure my crepe paper golden poppies, so I bought some fake bougainvillea in fuchsia to lift me up with their bright colored sunshine. It’s one of my favorite summertime California flowers, and I know my heart will have joy no matter what the weather is outside.
Plan C: Creative Projects.
The kids are full of great ideas- everything from painting (which can be very therapeutic for me), to following their friends and making videos of cooking haha. Speaking of cooking, I’d like to try some new Filipino recipes and share with friends and neighbors. I’d like to make Valentine’s cards with the kids, decorate and figure out some fun games for our annual St Patty’s Day party, and release some new creations at my shop! The very big caveat is that these projects are for FUN, and should not turn into work that becomes a stressful obligation.
Plan D: Make Plans.
This isn’t necessarily smart, as I may ultimately not feel like going somewhere or socializing, but this year I’m trying to turn it around and have things to look forward to. Date night with my husband, going to the temple, our best friends spending a day on the weekend with us, meeting up with old friends for a girls night, one-on-one time with my daughter… Quality time is such a recharge for me, and the process of getting dressed and putting makeup on to go out can also help.
Plan E: Give up.
Rather than fight the instinct to hibernate, why not just lean into it?
Stay in bed and enjoy my dog’s warmth and kid’s cuddles. Enjoy quiet time with a book. Watch cooking shows and eat my feelings. Turn off my phone and cancel all appointments. Let everything blow over and allow myself extra grace.