
About A Boy

Just last night this little boy surprised me by giving me not one–but two!–special goodnight kisses on the lips. I can count on my one hand how many times he’s kissed me, so that totally made my day. I don’t even know what I did to deserve them so that I can get more! They are the sweetest, most adorable kisses because he smiles so big afterwards like he wants to savor your reaction.

He’s two years old, and already he’s changed so much from last year. Our sweet boy is still the little entertainer, an energetic hilarious pile of cute. Some things to remember about him at this age…


That blue blanket in the picture above is a quillow (quilt-pillow) his great-grandmother made years and years ago. Anyway, he’s claimed it as his own since we started using it in his crib and he takes it everywhere. The bathroom? The kitchen? Yes. When he wakes up he takes it to where he wants to play. When he wants to take a nap, he’ll show it to us in case we didn’t get the hint. Fits ensue if I’m caught putting it in the wash or taking it out of the dryer, which makes it tricky since he basically hangs on to it at every waking moment to begin with… Don’t mess with the blankie.


He used to love avocados, and one day last week he started spitting them out and rejecting any food that had touched the avocado. He used to love cereal for breakfast and one day he just drank all the milk and left the soggy cereal bits. The only food he can’t seem to get enough of today is eggs. He literally dances in his high chair when eggs are served.


This kid loves to be outdoors, whether it’s going on a walk in the stroller or heading to the playground. He gets so excited when I tell him to go get his shoes because he knows that means he is going outside!
My boy is also obsessed with cars. Any object he decides to play with becomes a car. That hair brush? It’s a car, with no mufflers and occasionally the ability to fly if needed.


Through my pregnancy and taking our baby home he’s been watching more movies in order for me to nap or get things done. He treats every experience like he’s watching it for the first time–SO excited, laughing like he hasn’t seen this part a million times, cracking up at the jokes… Right now he has a few favorites and those are the only ones he sits down for. He watches one of these every day: Cars, Arthur’s Christmas, or Moana. He loves sound effects, and even though he has a limited vocabulary if there’s words in the Moana songs he can say them! “Shiny, come, you’re welcome, knows, goes,” etc. Daddy says it looks like he has a crush on Elsa and Moana.

His favorite book is also his favorite song, probably again because of the sound effects! The Wheels on the Bus. It’s a version with animals getting on and off the bus, and even though he refuses to talk he will sing all the words in this song!


Even when I just take the vacuum out, he runs to me crying. He hates the noise I guess! I think he also has separation anxiety because anytime I open the door to leave and don’t wait for him or bring him with me (even if it’s to take out the trash or to pick up his sister from the bus stop right outside our door) he immediately has a heartbreaking cry session and I will return home to him laid out on the floor sobbing with hiccups.


He’s recently been practicing saying (in perfect context) an expression which we have no idea from where he learned. After we’ve dropped something, “Oh, ship!” When we make him take his pants off when he doesn’t want to, “Oh, ship…” When he’s scared of falling off the swing, “Oh, ship!” Usually preceded by an “Uh oh…” or “Oh, no.” Pretty crazy since this same child repeated “crocodile” perfectly at a year old. He’s just wanting to speak on his own terms, I suppose.

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