Mad World
We’ve had some unprecedented events lately. L’s middle school made national news from a student walkout protesting furries, then being targeted with bomb threats (hoaxes) nearly every day this week. The one day we didn’t, the school was on Lockdown for police to secure a suspect in the area. L was like, “Wow, I wonder what will happen tomorrow!” She’s been optimistic through these chaotic scary times. Of course the police had to respond seriously. The first time that they evacuated the school because the bomb threat was received during school hours rather than before while the police could search it without people inside, that was the day I finally checked L out of school. We’re getting to the point where it feels like the Boy Who Cried Wolf—that it only takes it to be true one time once we’ve let our guard down for it to be too late.

We split a burrito from Costa Vida, and ate our lunch together at our favorite place- the temple. Both of us felt so much peace, and a desire to be inside the temple. We went home to change, and came right back to the temple to do an impromptu session of baptisms together. I smiled so much and felt so much warmth in my heart being with my daughter. Afterwards, we had popcorn and watched a musical. What a special day it ended up being!

“Nothing will help you more to hold fast to the iron rod than worshipping in the temple as regularly as your circumstances permit. Nothing will protect you more as you encounter the world’s mists of darkness. Nothing will bolster your testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ and his Atonement or help you understand God’s magnificent plan more. Nothing will soothe your spirit more during times of pain. Nothing will open the heavens more. Nothing!”
Pres Nelson, April 2024 General Conference
We are taking it one day at a time. As a parent, the dangers of simply being in school are enough to really beat me down. I need all the strength, guidance, and encouragement I can get in how to help, protect, and let my children grow.
In his house, we are literally endowed with heavenly power. Our faith in Jesus Christ and our love for him is confirmed and fortified. We are spiritually assured of our true identity and the purposes of life. As we are faithful, we are blessed with protection from temptations and distractions. We feel our Savior’s love as he lifts us from our difficulties and our challenges, our sorrows and our heartaches. We are armed with the power of God.
Elder Neil L. Anderson, April 2024 General Conference

This mad world will always be uncertain, but I’m doing my best and turning the rest over to God who is my surety, who encourages me not to be afraid and to make the most of this time with my loved ones. I don’t regret taking this break and turning these bomb threat days into bomb diggity ones.
Love, Kat