Backyard Blowout
Charcuterie table, bite sized desserts, and yard games under the lovely shade trees, hammocks, and garden corners. It was a wonderful way to celebrate our friend’s 40th birthday!
This beautiful lady has always been a woman I admire and love. One of my earliest memories of her is my first day in Young Womens when I turned 12, and Brittany was one of the older girls up there getting us excited for girls camp, welcoming and including us. She’s always been a natural with leadership, showing kindness, and being decisive. When Jer and I were getting married, she took beautiful bridal photos for us! Years later when she moved back to our state, we have grown closer in finding more common ground, for me it’s been our approach to challenges. I can see how happy she is from the many talents, relationships, and blessings she’s worked hard for. On her 40th birthday, I’m so grateful for her still being an example to me as we grow our minds, families, and homes. Love you, Brittany! Happy Birthday to an amazing friend!