Elf Bread

Fall is here! Lily and I decided to bake two batches of our favorite banana bread and gift a loaf to our close friends and neighbors.
This recipe has never done me wrong! Always moist and delicious. We only use 1/2 cup to 3/4 cup of sugar. 
Then we wrapped it in plastic wrap and got working on our little paper covering. It’s just colored construction paper and leaves that I free-handed with scissors. Lily did some cuts with the fancy scissors on one edge. We glued the leaves onto the top, and I made two incisions on the sides to fold over since they ended up longer than the bread. I taped the bottom so that it wouldn’t smash the bread. Then we secured it with twine, and wrote down a little note on one of the leaves with a marker. It took maybe 7 minutes! When our friends saw our special delivery, they said it looked like Elf Bread from Lord of the Rings! Well, what do you know…


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