Germs Germs Go Away
Germs, germs, go away
Don’t come back any day
We just need to work and play
Especially for the holidays
Your friends are not invited either
Viruses, bacteria, I need a breather!
Me, all of November

Anyone else living in a perpetual state of contagion? The November family update is we’ve basically been sick this whole month 😅 With a short pause when my sister came to visit for a day to stave off jet lag and bear gifts from her trip to Italy. Yep, she’s the coolest!

The boys each received a mini arcade and played their brains out in a happy stupor. Lils admired the bracelet made from the volcanic rock at Pompeii. Jer got an authentic Italian quill and ink set. For me, a very fashionable Italian scarf and a bracelet made from the shells of the local seashore. We had a taco night after church, then an ice cream feast with the Takasaki’s.
Back to sickness. The night after homemade chicken pot pie from scratch which I spent all day making, W had a violent case of stomach flu. Next night, Jer came home with a bad case of food poisoning. Then L (who never gets sick) threw up the night I made our family’s favorite fish dinner. So now all my favorite comfort foods are off limits because even the smell is off putting to my sickies. As soon as L was well enough to go back to school, she came home with another virus, this time with fever. I quarantined her and luckily no one else got it.

I cleaned and sanitized the house top to bottom and discovered that I love my house smelling more bleached up than a freakin hospital because of how much PTSD I have from taking care of a sick household for weeks. The boys have made warming up their little stuffies part of bedtime ritual. I miss being able to love on my children. Look at these cuties that I couldn’t kiss!

Hopefully this passes quickly.
Love, Kat