6 Ideas to Get Through Winter 2024
I’ve been trying to prepare myself to face another winter. Different than prior years (here, here, and here). There’s a bigger focus on the mind.
#1. Emotional Resilience Class
I have always enjoyed a spiritual component in all of my learning, so this is a resource I wanted to try- Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience. It is very up front about not being a substitute for professional help, group therapy, and treatment. There were many gospel related things for topics like being aware of how our body (e.g. sleep, exercise, food, hydration, etc.) affects our emotions, helping to manage stress with learning how to organize our time and prioritize, being aware of our triggers to help us respond better, ideas for connecting and finding support in depression, going through the steps of problem solving, skills to deescalate anger, relationship building exercises… These were such obvious yet helpful things to practice, contemplate, and bounce ideas off one another. We got together weekly and worked as partners with commitments. I think just having other women who were in the same boat as me there as a support was valuable, and I made even stronger friendships!
#2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
I’ve been seeing a new licensed clinical mental health counselor (LCMHC) to unburden my mind and have a sounding board for the inner whirlpools often swirling around before they become full on maelstroms. Our discussions have helped bring me some clarity.
For my perfectionist tendencies:
Is it possible to still enjoy _______ even though ________ ?
For my negative spiraling:
Why is it bad that _______? What is the worst that could happen? What about that makes me upset?
Can I recognize my own efforts without minimizing them, or exaggerating where I think I’m failing?
For difficult relationships that feel toxic:
Their comment does not define me; I know my situation and that I am doing my best.
I don’t know everything.
The clinician has given me homework. Practicing rational counter-statements to negative thoughts. Identifying the types of irrational thoughts that can distort thinking. A downward arrow approach to get to the core beliefs and possibly replacing them with more rational thoughts.
#3. Let Go With Breath
My doctor said I needed to reduce my stress and rest, and that this will help counteract my getting sick so long and so often. My therapist (see #2) says that focusing on the Present rather than the unknown and uncontrollable future will help me to reduce my stress and have relief in my mind. The therapist suggested that meditation and deep breathing exercises are going to help me with this. Yoga’s deep breathing exercises supposedly stimulate the parasympathetic response of “rest and digest” for the body. I have tried it out and noticed the days I do Yoga are my very best days! I would like to keep this up for winter!
#4. Booking a Winter Getaway
Normally I would want to escape to a much warmer place, but this time I’d like to appreciate the glories of a winter travel experience. Our anniversary this fall was at an inn with a lovely fireplace and we thought, “We should come back in the winter to enjoy this—just because!” Not needing a specific reason to go means a lot to me, like investing in that time together to reconnect has its own merits. It probably is indulgent, but honestly I think it would help me make more positive memories and associations with winter.
#5. Taking a Break at the Holidays
Although it seems like Grinch behavior, I assure you it is for the good of all! There will be much Opting Out this holiday season. Frankly I want to cut down, give myself grace, and not feel guilt at my lack of reciprocation. I won’t be sending out physical Christmas cards; I just don’t really want to. There, I said it. For the sake of our budget there will be no extended family gifts, white elephants, cookie exchanges, ugly sweater parties, or other gift exchanges. No traveling—I just want to stay home giving zero cares in my underwear.
#6. Books and Music!

I have a long To Be Read List, and an entire stack of books from Christmas to keep me occupied! I also received a wonderful gift card to be able to enjoy Spotify for a few months, and I know that will cheer me up as I try to weather the cold.
Love, Kat