Best of 2020
Well, I missed the whole #GiveThanks thing. And writing about Christmas… I guess I’ll need to post about that later! 2020 was definitely a challenging year, and could easily have turned into a flaming pile of turd if that’s all we focused on. Outside, there was all the social distancing, infection scares, price gouging, and political upheaval… Inside though, there were so much growth, adventure, milestones, and special moments I’ll always cherish. Tomorrow’s the last day of the year, so in the spirit of the “yearly review” I’ll just combine everything. Here goes!
Highlights from this year
- It was the most exciting experience for us to watch our home being built from the ground up! 2020 is the year we were finally able to buy a home.
- The kids had the time of their lives visiting with their grandparents in California for 3 weeks. Fairy villages, backyard splashing, karaoke nights, all the snacks they could eat, and no bed time!
- We got to enjoy every day this summer with our BFFs living in their basement. Family dinners together, trading babysitting for date nights, helping with remodels, last minute tea parties, having late night talks and daytime hikes… it was seriously the best! Driving to their house today feels like driving home, and we miss them every day.
- I got in the best shape of my life consistently running & exercising with my BFF every day this summer. It has helped me to de-stress, fill me with energy, and feel like I accomplished something while trying to cope with everything else I can’t control.
- Jer is pursuing his lifelong dream and got into a Master’s program!
- L spent the entire 4th grade doing remote learning.
- My little boy F thrived in Kindergarten this year. He is so excited about math homework, letters, new friends and teachers, and riding the bus.
- We were able to celebrate Christmas by welcoming Jeremy’s entire family to our new home over the holidays! Jer had been longing to see his family since they moved away years ago, and I could just see his heart explode with joy having time with his siblings. Kids loved having so many cousins to play with.