Graduation Season
Can you believe this year I had 2 graduations to attend! This was their first school year at their new school since we moved. It’s the first year these two got to catch the bus together in the mornings.
5th Grade Graduation

This gorgeous girl is leaving Elementary School behind. We are so proud of her and all she has learned from school- a love for reading, more confidence in Math, practice with making friends, choices in what to eat lol. “My favorite […] memory is having a loving teacher who helps me so much in school.” Her favorite thing she did was participate in “Hope of America” where she got to sing with all of 5th graders across the state at the Marriott Center, and it was broadcast over a live feed. What a special experience to cheer her on from the stands and watch out for her on the Big Screen as a family with a couple of her best friends! She sang her heart out, and we could see that she was passionate about music. I really loved hearing her sing again with her classmates one of the songs from Hope of America to end their graduation program.
We don’t usually do any kind of “gift”, but this time we got her some flowers that she enjoyed in her room for weeks. Then we celebrated afterwards with some food! She has accomplished so much, I am so in awe of the young lady she is growing into. Love you sweetheart.
Kindergarten Graduation

F has made it!!! He worked on sight words, reading, and math homework for hours after school. He took Brain Breaks as needed lol, made lots of friends who want to come over and play, learned fun songs that he randomly likes to sing in the bathroom, and came home with lovely works of art (many featured the family dog Roxy). Somehow he still manages to be “him” with his crooked tie and backwards cap, haha! When he didn’t want to go to school because of bullying and he was scared, he was so brave and talked with me and his teacher about it so that changes could be made. He had a whole team of teachers and educators behind him with Speech and Language goals and an IEP, and he dove into learning so full of optimism and excitement. I LOVE HIM so. freakin. much. Thanks for never giving up especially when things are not easy in school.
We celebrated with a trip to McDonald’s (Kindergarten graduate’s choice), followed by a trip to Cubby’s and the library with friends. Here’s to a new chapter for my students!